Package Details

Doula Services Package Includes:

  • 1 Meet and greet meeting
  • 1-2 Prenatal meetings (flexible-depending on clients needs)
  • Phone/Text/Email support before the birth
  • On-Call at 38 weeks
  • Full labor/birth support by Melissa or mutually acceptable back-up doula
  • Phone/Text/Email support after the birth
  • 1 Postpartum visit 3-6 weeks after the baby arrives

1Getting to know you

This first meeting is a very important step in the doula service process.  The meeting usually takes place over a cup of coffee or a quick lunch and lasts about 1 hour in length.  The meeting provides for a great opportunity for the expectant parents to get to know the doula and vice versa.  At the first “get to know you” meeting we usually discuss things such as the wants, desires, and needs of the prospective clients as well as how they see a doula fitting into their birth experience. There is no obligation to hire a doula, this meeting is free.

Prenatal Meetings4

These meetings typically take place in the client’s home and serve as a chance for the doula and clients to get to know each other on a deeper level.  The appointment is scheduled after the clients have contracted with the doula to provide services and is a wonderful chance for the new birthing team to get in sync about the birth wants and wishes.   At the meetings, we will talk in depth about the impending birth and the desires of both mom and partner.  The get together also provides  a great opportunity for the doula to give the expectant couple suggestions for end of pregnancy positions and other relevant information to prepare for birth.  It is best to schedule prenatal meetings between 34-38 wks of pregnancy.  The meeting is scheduled for a 2 hour time block.

Labor Support

Our package allows full labor support with no time constraints.  The doula will go to “on call status” at 38 weeks and will remain on call until the birth of the baby.  On call status means that the doula will be available to you when labor begins with short notice.  The doula will come to you when you feel that you need additional support and will stay with you and your partner until after the birth of the baby.  Early labor support often takes place at home, and then moves to the place of birth.  The doula can help with this transition to the hospital/birth center and will work to make it as comfortable as possible.  Specific labor support  depends on the individual couple and varies, but often includes:  verbal support, physical comfort, informational support, breastfeeding support, and advocacy as defined as enhancing communication between care provider and clients.

Postpartum Meeting

As the new family settles in, the doula typically likes to connect with the parents sometime within a few days after birth.  This can be a brief phone conversation to just say hi and offer additional resources if needed.  We like to schedule a postpartum meeting between 3-6 weeks after birth.  The postpartum meeting offers a chance for the mother to discuss the birth and her experience, ask questions, as well as discuss how things are going at home with the new baby.  At the postpartum meeting the doula can offer additional ideas and encouragement for the new parents.  The postpartum meeting usually lasts about 1-2 hours in length.

Long Term

As you might imagine,  it is very common for the doula and new family to create a strong bond.  They have just shared something very powerful together, and it only makes sense that they might keep in touch.  There are often times when the doula and families keep in touch for years after birth.  We love repeat clients and feel honored to attend multiple births for a family!  It is such a blessing for the doula to be surrounded long term by families that she has been with during such a special time of their lives.

Cost of Services

Many factors come into the setting of fees for the doula including level of training, years of experience, leadership in the field and more.  Current prices for doula services with Melissa are $950-1100 and reflect the immense level of experience and expertise and over 15 years of learning, mentorship and commitment to the field that Melissa brings into the doula client relationship.  Please don’t hesitate to contact Melissa to find out specifics about package pricing and availability.