Techniques for Labor Progress Including the Peanut Ball (Approved for 3 DONA International CEUS)
Have you heard of the newest tool for use in labor? According to a recent study published by AWOHNN, the peanut ball when used with epidurals has been shown to help labor to progress and reducing the overall time in labor. Hospitals around the country are adopting peanut ball
policies, but do practitioners know how to use them?
In this upcoming continuing education opportunity, we will discuss advanced labor progress techniques including the peanut ball, it’s uses, and techniques to make the peanut ball a staple when supporting a family in labor.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the session, the learner will be able to:
1. Discuss the evidence for use of peanut balls in reducing overall labor time
2. Explain correct sizing and usage of various peanut balls
3. Demonstrate many positions to use the peanut ball in labor
Intro to the peanut ball
Best research/evidence for use
Benefits/reasons to use
Sizes/safety/care of peanut balls
Common positional use for peanut ball for optimal results
Demonstration and practice of multiple positions
How providers/labor support professionals can make a difference in reducing overall labor time
Scheduled Sessions:
To schedule a session in your area, contact us!
Peanut Ball Training Registration
*Contact Melissa to bring this workshop to your city*
The Many Faces Of Joyful BirtH
(4 CEUS):
We all want moms to experience a joyful, satisfying birth, but what does that really mean? Is it possible that a doula’s vision of a joyful birth could be quite different than what the clients consider joyful? In this breakout we will explore our own preconceived notions about what factors make for a joyful birth, consider alternatives, and develop skills to put mother’s needs for a positive birth experience above our own.